Installation by HoTTea (Eric Rieger) "One Last Moment Under the Sky" and the project is the Wooden Walls Public Art Project
About Garden State
Art Weekend
Garden State Art Weekend is a statewide celebration of art in New Jersey sponsored by Manufacturers Village Artists in East Orange NJ. Our mission is to create an inclusive, once-a-year art weekend for all to enjoy. We are inspired by Upstate Art Weekend in New York and are creating a similar experience for New Jersey visitors and residents.
The first edition of Garden State Art Weekend, April 19-21, 2024, included 115 participants located in 15 counties across the state from Passaic to Atlantic county. Leading participating institutions included Montclair Art Museum, The Newark Museum of Art, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, and Hunterdon Art Museum. Check out the 2024 GSAW Guide for the full list of participating venues.​
Connecting Communities Through Art
Garden State Art Weekend is a sponsored project of Manufacturers Village Artists, a non-profit arts service organization. We are seeking support to make this an annual event to foster the growth of visual arts and culture in New Jersey.
Tax deductible donations go to the administration and marketing of Garden State Art Weekend.
We believe that art has the power to bring people together and create positive change. Through GSAW, we aim to foster a sense of community and showcase the diverse talents of New Jersey's artists.
Special thanks to Mayor Ted R. Green, East Orange City Council, the Department of Policy, Planning and Development, and the East Orange Health Department for supporting Garden State Art Weekend.